
Material Design TextInput with warning message support Example

     warningMessage={'warning message'}


Prop Type Default Required Description
autoFocus bool Yes If true, focuses the input on componentDidMount.
containerStyle any No container style
keyboardType string 'default' Yes enum('default', 'email-address', 'numeric', 'phone-pad', 'ascii-capable', 'numbers-and-punctuation', 'url', 'number-pad', 'name-phone-pad', 'decimal-pad', 'twitter', 'web-search')
placeholder string Yes The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered.
secureTextEntry bool false Yes If true, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text like passwords stay secure.
isDivider bool true No Divider is used between warning message and TextInput
warningMessage string Yes warning message
duration number 200 No A number representing the duration of floating label and underline animations in milliseconds.
label string No This string appears as the label.
highlightColor string Colors.fadedWhite Yes This string represents the hex code, rgb, or rgba color of the TextInput label and underline when it is active/focused on.
labelColor string Colors.fadedWhite No This string represents the hex code, rgb, or rgba color of the TextInput label when it is inactive.
borderColor string No This string represents the hex code, rgb, or rgba color of the TextInput underline when it is inactive.
textColor string Colors.white No This string represents the hex code, rgb, or rgba color of the text entered in the TextInput. Note: If you set textFocusColor or textBlurColor, those colors will override this one during the corresponding state of the TextInput.
textFocusColor string No This string represents the hex code, rgb, or rgba color of the text entered in the TextInput when it is active/focused on.
textBlurColor string No This string represents the hex code, rgb, or rgba color of the text entered in the TextInput when it is inactive.
onFocus func No
onBlur func No Callback that is called when the text input is focused.
onChangeText func No Callback that is called when the text input is blurred.
value string No The value to show for the text input.
dense bool true No If true, it will render the "dense" input field which is smaller in height and has smaller font sizes. You can view more here.
inputStyle object No Style for TextInput
wrapperStyle object No Style for TextInput View
labelStyle object No Style for label
icon No
iconSize 24 Yes
tintColor Colors.grey Yes

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